Multisensory Perception and Synesthesia
Synesthesia means the capability of the perceptual system to induce perception within one sensual modality by stimulation of a different sensual area. Similar phenomena are pronounced at relatively few individuals, but show a characteristic permanence. Often the phenomenon of visual perception caused by auditory stimulation is described as color(ed) hearing. In principle, synesthesia can occur between all senses. Such connections are also observed within one sensory space. In that manner, numbers and letters can get an additional color during a process of visual perception or imagination.
Applications in the Arts and Design
My papers and artwork mentioned on this website illuminate phenomena of synesthesia, but also consider the widespread capabilities of cross-sensory connections via correspondences, associations/iconicity, multi-sensory symbolism and conscious generation of rules (e.g. with reference to physical parameters or algorithms). This enables development of numerous fields of application, like sound design and perception of soundscapes, multi-sensory design of products and interfaces, virtual environments, correlation of music and the fine arts, musical acoustics, and many others.
-> see below for up-coming events and presentations
Recent publications
Klangfarben-Variabilität von Bassblockflöten in historischen und modernen Bauformen. Annual Conference DAGA 2024, Hannover. Berlin: DEGA, 2024, 991-4
Influence of the key played on the timbre variation of recorders. Proc. forum acusticum 2023, 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, Turin, Italy.
with Frank Hergert: Tonal timbre variations of historical recorders and transverse flutes compared to pipe organ ranks. Proc. forum acusticum 2023, Turin, Italy.
Wirkung der Klangfarben-Variabilität von Flöten auf Tonart und melodischen Verlauf. Annual Conference DAGA 2023, Hamburg. Berlin: DEGA, 2023, 957-60
Scope and limits of synaesthetic arts. Proc. VII International Congress “Synaesthesia: Science and Art” *The digital / physical challenge* Oct 26-29, Granada & Alcalà la Real/Spain, 2022, 241-50
How can we approach the topic of the tone-to-tone timbre variability of historical instruments? Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 49, 035005 (2022)
Verfahren zur auditiven und visuellen Darstellung der Klangfarbenvariabilität historischer Flöten. TIBIA, Portal für Holzbläser. Celle: Moeck, 2022 Text
The Role of the Iconicity of Sound within the Multisensory Environment. Vibrations in Physical Systems, 2022, 33(1), 2022106. DOI: 10.21008/j.0860-6897.2022.1.06
Die wahrgenommene Qualität – Ein Paralleluniversum zur technischen Qualität., München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2022.
Authentische Gestaltung – Messung der assoziativen Qualität von Designelementen und Oberflächen., München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2022.
Eine Alpensinfonie. Synästhetische Kunst zur sinfonischen Dichtung von Richard Strauss. AXON, Newsletter der Deutschen Synästhesie-Gesellschaft, 01/2022, 8-9.
Key topics
Audio-visuelle Verknüpfungen im Wahrnehmungssystem und die Eingrenzung synästhetischer Phänomene. In: Sidler, Natalia & Jewanski, Jörg (ed.): Farbe-Licht-Musik. Synästhesie und Farblichtmusik. Züricher Musikstudien Vol. 5. Bern: Peter Lang Verlag, 2006
Synesthetic Design – building multi-sensory Arrangements. In: Kai Bronner & Rainer Hirt (eds.): Audio Branding - Brands, Sounds and Communication. Berlin: Nomos, 2009
Synästhetisches Design - Multisensuelle Gestaltung in der angewandten Kunst. In: Andrea Gottdang, Regina Wohlfarth (eds.): Mit allen Sinnen - Sehen, Hören, Schmecken, Riechen und Fühlen in der Kunst. Leipzig: Seemann Henschel Verlag, 2010
Advanced description of noise perception by analysis of cross-sensory interactions within soundscapes. Noise Control Eng. J. 58 (5), Sept-Oct 2010, 540-50
Synästhetisches Design - Kreative Produktentwicklung für alle Sinne. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2009 - English Edition: Synesthetic Design. Handbook for a Multi-Sensory Approach. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2013
Multisensory Perception and Product Design. Plastics in Automotive Engineering. Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag, 2013, 1-12
Alexander Truslit: Gestaltung und Bewegung in der Musik. Ein tönendes Buch vom musikalischen Vortrag und seinem bewegungserlebten Gestalten und Hören. Reprint of the original edition 1938, edited and prefaces by Hans Brandner & Michael Haverkamp. Augsburg: Wißner-Verlag, 2015
Effects of Material Touch-Sounds on Perceived Quality of Surfaces. SAE World Congress WCX17. Detroit, USA, April 5, 2017. SAE Paper 2017-01-0495
How does what we hear sound? The qualia problem in acoustics. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, September 9-13, 2019, Aachen, Germany, 1418-25
Light, color and motion as crossmodal elements of Baroque music. e-Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon, France, 2099-106. DOI 10.48465/fa.2020.0021
Soft sounds in quiet cars - design with respect to subjective intensity of sounds. e-Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon, France, 2377-84. DOI 10.48465/fa.2020.0020
Synesthetic Design versus Multisensory Design – Differences and Benefits. In: A.V.Sidoroff-Dorso (ed.), Synaesthesia: Cross-sensory aspects of cognitive activity in science and art. Proc. 2nd IASAS-Symposium, October 17 – 20, 2019. Moscow, 2021, 142-7
Auditory perception and the subjective representation of time. Proc. Euronoise 2021 E-Congress. Sociedade Portuguesa de Acústica (SPA), 2021, 452-60
Synaesthetic and multisensory approaches for product design. Venice Design Week opening event, October 7, 2023
Multisensorische Konzepte in Kunst und Design am Beispiel der Werke von Paul Klee und Wassily Kandinsky. Städtisches Museum Braunschweig, April 18, 2024
Synaesthetic artists of “Farbe-Ton-Forschung” (colour-tone-research) in Germany 1925-36. UKSA/ASA Conference at Somerville College, University of Oxford. May 10, 2024
Andreas J. Haller, Mischa Delbrouk: Sinneswahrnehmung als Ganzes denken. HAPTICA Magazin #01, Köln: WA Media, Jan/Feb 2024, 82-85
Marianne Preibisch: Michael Haverkamps kreative Produktentwicklung für alle Sinne. In: werkspuren. Zürich: Verein für die Vermittlung von Gestaltung und Technik, 4/2022, Nummer 168, pp. 18-21.
Anton V. Sidoroff-Dorso, Sean A. Day, and Jörg Jewanski (Eds.): Synaesthesia; Opinions and Perspectives - 30 Interviews with Leading Scientists, Artists and Synaesthetes. Wissenschaftliche Schriften der WWU Münster, Reihe VIII, Band 5, Dortmund: readbox unipress, 2020, pp. 278-287.
Current Presentations & Exhibitions
Keynote: Synesthesia and Design
VIII International Conference
"Synesthesia: Science and Art"
*Special Edition / Twenty-Years 2005-2025*
October 23-25, 2025
Alcalá la Real, Spain
Is there a principle effect of cross-fingering on the timbre of recorders?
March 20, 2025
DAS/DAGA 2025 - 51st Annual Meeting on Acoustics
Music - Life - Arts - History
as part of Art Talk #2
with further presentations by Raewyn Turner (New Zealand): Feeling Equivalents, and Gaby Cardoso (Argentina): Colored Frequencies
Moderation: Christine Söffing
Saturday, 9 November 2024, 7pm (UTC)
on-line (click image to join)
Presentation: Synaesthetic artists of “Farbe-Ton-Forschung” (colour-tone-research) in Germany 1925-36.
UKSA/ASA Conference at Somerville College, University of Oxford. May 10th to 12th 2024.
Dialogführung mit Juliane Zetzsche: Synästhesie im Werk von Wassily Kandinsky
In der Ausstellung: Hilma af Klint und Wassily Kandinsky - Träume von der Zukunft
Kunstsammlung NRW - K20
Grabbeplatz 5 Düsseldorf 1.5.2024 18:00Uhr
Vortrag: Synästhesie - Sehen mit allen Sinnen.
Low Vision Kreis, Frühjahrstagung,
Aachen, 27.4.2024
Vortrag: Multisensorische Konzepte in Kunst und Design am Beispiel der Werke von Paul Klee und Wassily Kandinsky.
Im Begleitprogramm zur Ausstellung: Galka Scheyer und die Blaue Vier - Feininger, Jawlensky, Kandinsky, Klee. Städtisches Museum Braunschweig, 18.4.2024 19:00 Uhr
Vortrag: Klangfarben-Variabilität von Bassblockflöten in historischen und modernen Bauformen. 19.3.2024 13:40 Uhr
Poster: Die Welt als Wahrnehmung
Podiumsdiskussion: Philosophie in der Akustik (Moderation & Beitrag) 21.3.2024 14:00-16:40 Uhr
Verknüpfung der Sinne als Grundlage von Kreativität
Vortrag und Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Nicolas Rothen (Bern) und Dr. Marie Luise Schreiter (Tübingen)
Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, 30.11.2023, 19 Uhr
Ausstellungsbeteiligung / Contribution to exhibition
Musik aufs Auge
Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart
27.09.2023 - 05.01.2024
Synästhetische Kunst in der Zeit der "Farbe-Ton-Forschung"
Jahreshauptversammlung der Deutschen Synästhesie Gesellschaft DSG
18.11.2023, Neuwied
Multi-sensory features of surfaces – perception and design
on-line presentation
Visual Elements for Design/Studio (professors: Dina Riccò and Antonella Andriani), School of Design, Politecnico di Milano
November 9, 2023, 2:15 pm
Contribution to exhibition
A Taste of Synaesthesia
OXO Tower Barge House, Central London
Oct 27, 2023
organized by:
Art in Conversation: Design and Synaesthesia
online seminar
ArC_Art in Conversation
October 25, 2023, 3:30pm UK time
Synesthetic and Multi-Sensory Approaches for Product Design
Presentation and Talk
Venice Design Week
October 7, 2023, Venice, Italy
Influence of the key played on the timbre variation of recorders
with Frank Hergert: Tonal timbre variations of historical recorders and transverse flutes compared to pipe organ ranks
forum acusticum 2023, Sep. 11-15, Torino, Italy
Synaesthetic and multisensory design of real and artificial environments
Cologne, TH Köln (Cologne Game Lab), Schanzenstr. 28, August 14, 2023
Wirkung der Klangfarben-Variabilität von Flöten auf Tonart und melodischen Verlauf
Was heißt und zu welchem Ende brauchen wir Philosophie in der Akustik?
DAGA 2023 - 49. JAHRESTAGUNG FÜR AKUSTIK, 6. - 9. März 2023, Hamburg
Scope and limits of synaesthetic arts
presentation at VII International Congress Synesthesia, Science & Art - The digital/physical challenge, Granada and Alcalá la Real (Jaén), Spain, October 27, 2022
Richard Strauss - Alpensinfonie
Cycle of Objects/Paintings - Excerpt. Exhibition “Art and Synaesthesia”, Alcalá la Real, Convento de los Capuchinos, Vernissage October 29, 2022, 18:30
J. S. Bach - Sonata for recorder and piano F major
Svetlana Rudenko, Piano; Michael Haverkamp, recorder & paintings. Alcalá la Real, Teatro Martínez Montañés, October 29, 2022, 20:00
How can we approach the topic of tone-to-tone timbre variability of historical instruments?
4th Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics.
- on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Department of Music Acoustics (IWK).
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria.
September 11-14, 2022
Das Hören im Kontext der Sinne - Multisensorische Aspekte von Geräuschen und Musik.
Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung Faszination Akustik - eine Reise durch die Welt des Schalls.
Technische Universität Braunschweig
1. 6. 2022, 16:45Uhr
Synesthetic versus Common Approaches for Multisensory Arts.
+ Exhibition of my "Alpensinfonie"-Project
Convergence - Seminar on multisensory approaches in artistic performance and interactions. 20 & 21 May 2022
Royal Conservatoire Antwerp / Belgium
Klangfarben-Variabilität von Blockflöten aus Renaissance und Barock - Vortrag
48. Jahrestagung für Akustik
22. 3. 2022 14:00 Stuttgart
Subjective and objective evaluation of the tone-to-tone timbre variability of historical flutes
EAA Euroregio / BNAM 2022 Joint Acoustics Conference, May 9-11 2022 Aalborg (DK)